Thursday, November 17, 2011

Why some do not believe.

Any time there is some type of conspiracy, there are always the people that refuse to believe whether for their own reason or just because they are stubborn. As you may already know, some people don't believe that aliens are real mainly because they don't have any hard evidence. But others don't believe for their own personal reasons. In a forum that I read, I read that someone didn't believe in aliens because he didn't believe that any other life has evolved intelligence near the capacity of ours. On one hand I understand what he's saying but on the other, I am against him because who says there isn't any other evolved intelligence on another planet that we don't know of? In another argument that I recently read, the artist Phil Plait made a really good point. He said some people don't believe because there are too many UFO sightings and they couldn't all be aliens which causes the boy who cried wolf affect. If someone was constantly saying "I see a UFO, I see a UFO" and there was nothing there but a digitally scrambled picture, a random bright light in the sky, or a satellite that came closer to the sky, you would stop believing that there would ever be anything there. Something else that makes people believe even less regarding this argument is that all of these so called UFO sightings can very well be a satellite that caught the reflection of the sun, a meteor blazing across the sky, and atmospheric effects make a distant object appear distorted and weirdly shaped. On top of that, all of these have been mistaken for alien spacecraft. The only UFOs that are real are the ones spotted by amateur astronomers because that's basically their job; they look at the sky all day and they always see the things that people think are UFOs but really aren't. They are the only ones that know what a real UFO looks like.

Many people believe they see UFO sightings every day but nine times out of ten they aren't really UFOs unless a real astronomer spotted it because there are a lot of things in space that could look like a UFO to the untrained eye. But the thing is, we don't know what a UFO really looks like, that's why it's called an unidentified flying object.(395)



  1. Misspelled the word "whether" in the first sentence. Also there was contractions. I also do not see any integrated quotes or pictures. The transitions were pretty good but the grammar and the spelling need a little work. You do have an interesting topic though and your argument is strong. One compliment is that it is a very interesting topic and you are choosing to argue it in an interesting way. One suggestion would be to check the spelling and grammar mistakes.

  2. You have a good argument going here. I would say to keep an eye on your supportive material so you can keep your argument on track. Work on your transitions so that you can make your post flow a little better, as well as your spelling and grammar. Lastly, don't forget to include and define quotes, as well as place your sources in the MLA format.
